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Envy, in essence, accuses God of being unfair, a respecter of persons, and unaware of what’s best for our lives. Therefore, we should engage in an all-out campaign against envy when it appears in our life. Here are six ways to do that: 1) Confess and repent of your impure intentions for wanting something other than for the glory of God. ‘But if you harbour bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth’ (James 3:14 NIVUK). 2) Count your blessings. Envy is rooted in dissatisfaction. Frequently we are so upset at the good fortune of others that we can’t see our own blessings and advantages. Somebody previously said, ‘Envy is the habit of counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own.’ 3) Understand what envy is telling you about what needs to be changed in order for you to reach your destiny. Pray, ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’ 4) If feasible, spend time with the person you envy and learn more about their secrets of success. In the process, you may realise they have a multitude of problems that will reduce your envy. 5) When anyone is mentioned with appreciation and admiration, instead of making a negative comment about them, try speaking words of praise. 6) Reject seeing another person’s success as your failure. Instead of thinking their blessings came at your expense, start believing that the God who blessed them wants to bless you too.

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