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Personal growth. It’s what helps us move us forward in life. We don’t have to keep learning, keep growing; it’s not compulsory. But to move forward in your studying or your job, to be able to aim high you need to keep learning. It’s not just about the ‘academic’ side of things, though. It’s also important to keep growing your faith and learning from God. That’s what Proverbs 2:10 is talking about – the wisdom that comes from immersing yourself in God’s Word and learning to recognise His voice. And as you get to know Him better, you‘ll instinctively know when something isn’t from God and could harm you or draw you away from Him. Daniel began as a slave in Babylon, right at the bottom of the ladder. King Nebuchadnezzar was looking for people with the following qualifications: ‘Showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve’ (Daniel 1:4 NIV). Daniel had all these skills. But he’d also learned to listen and trust God. When the king gave Daniel food that, according to God’s law, wasn’t clean, Daniel refused to eat it (even though it was dangerous to disobey the king). God rewarded his obedience by giving him ‘knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning (Daniel 1:17 NIV). Soon he was promoted to a position in Nebuchadnezzar’s cabinet. And the Bible tells us that ‘Daniel remained there’ (v. 21 NIV).When we learn to commit ourselves fully to God and grow in Him, there are no limits.
What Now?
Spend a bit of time today asking God for wisdom and understanding. Ask that He would make His voice clear to you as you read His Word.

‘The wise prevail through great power.’ Proverbs 24:5 NIV
Are you losing interest in your work or your studies? Are those exciting big plans you had for your future now covered in cobwebs? We’ve all heard of the mid-life crisis, but maybe there’s some truth in the idea of a quarter-life crisis. Sometimes we can feel like we’re heading straight down the path to one of those. But the truth is, we lose interest in all those things because we lose interest in growing. Think about people who experience the highest levels of energy and creativity in what they do. They’re usually people who are constantly learning and expanding their experience – people who never lose interest in their work, or in life. Take a minute to think about growing peanuts. Or don’t – sounds pretty dull, right? Not to George Washington Carver. He studied them, developed them, discovered hundreds of different uses for them, and became so famous he was literally invited to the United States Congress to explain how he did it all. Here’s what he told them: ‘God created the peanut. So I just asked Him to tell me what could be done with it, and He showed me.’ It’s that simple. God’s designed the earth to be cultivated, and for His people to flourish it. Ask Him. And spend as much time expanding your knowledge and experience as you spend on those mundane, everyday things, and your interest will start to grow. God promises to give heavenly wisdom if you ask. And He says: ‘A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength.’ God’s ready to fill your bank of knowledge, you just need to ask.
What Now?
There’s probably a Bible verse you’ve heard so often, you don’t pay much attention to it now. Grab a concordance (there’s loads online) and check out all the cross-references. Make a note of any new ideas that emerge as you’re reading them.

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