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When we trust in relationships, we’re able to share our secrets and struggles, our inner fears and failures – we’re able to have intimacy based on honesty. It takes courage for us to be honest with God, and even more for us to be honest with one another. We’ve probably all been in that place where we’ve been so hurt by a relationship that we’ve said, ‘I will never trust anyone again.’ That’s because we’re not healed yet. To never trust again is like living in a tower. We avoid any more hurt, but at the same time we become isolated and miss out on experiencing life with other people. We need other people in our lives, for encouragement, comfort, advice and love. If we isolate ourselves to avoid hurt, we miss out on all these things. We can also end up living in the past. Whether that’s because we can’t get over what happened to us, or because we’re remembering back to better times rather than focusing on our lives now. Jesus came so that we could have life to the full (John 10:10) and if we’re focused on the past then we’re not experiencing that fullness of life that we’re promised. But God’s healing process can set us free to live life to the full, to trust again, and to live without fear. ‘He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds’ (Psalm 147:3 NIV). God can heal us so that we feel able to be in relationships with other people, knowing that hurt is a risk but choosing to trust anyway.

What now?
If you struggle with trust, make a decision today to trust someone with something small. Gradually trust them with bigger things until you feel more comfortable with it.

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