Everyone has different ways of coping with things. When life becomes overwhelming and we feel out of control, our natural response is to want to try and take control back. Or when we’re feeling hurt beyond what we feel we can bear, we can try and make the pain go away ourselves. We can try and justify it by arguing that it helps us to cope or that our actions aren’t affecting anyone other than ourselves. But the truth is that the only way we can truly deal with overwhelming situations and intense hurt, is by turning to God. He is the One who provides our healing, our restoration and our comfort. Other things may feel like they help for a short amount of time but they can’t fix anything. Only God can do that. Throughout the Bible we see people struggling with pain, circumstances and emotions and then trying to find ways to express it. Jacob ripped his clothes when he was told Joseph was dead (Genesis 37:34), Job’s friends threw dust over themselves and wept (Job 2:12) and Job inflicted more pain on himself (Job 2:8). But we have a God who is our comforter. We can turn to Him with anything we’re facing, nothing is too big for Him. However overwhelming our feelings are, they’re never too much for Him. He can handle it all. We just need to let Him. If we’ve found other ways to cope in the past, He doesn’t condemn us. ‘Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 8:1 NIV). He simply holds out His hands and asks us to choose to start giving everything over to Him.
What Now?
Is there something in your life you want to find freedom from? Find someone who you trust and respect to talk to about it.