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How involved are you in your church? Some of us turn up on Sundays and that’s it. Others serve in every ministry area until they burn out. Neither is healthy. We are all called to serve others, and part of that service is within the church. God has given us all gifts and skills to use. In 1 Corinthians 12, we are described as the body of Christ. There are different parts of the body, but they all play an important part in the body as a whole. ‘God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be?’ (vv.18-19 NIV). God has given us particular gifts. You may not be gifted for youth work but could join the kids’ team. You may not be gifted with technology, but hospitality is your skill so join the refreshments team. If we all were gifted in the same area, one part of the church would be thriving while the others are neglected. But if we all serve where our giftings are, the church will function healthily, as one body. When we’re serving, we also need to be serving with the right attitude. Colossians 3:23 says ‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters’ (NIV). We may not always feel like serving in the church, but we can remember that we’re working for God. And, as we thought about a few days ago, serving the church helps the church become more effective and move closer towards their vision.

What Now?
Feel like you could serve on a team? Find out where people are needed and pray about where God wants you to serve. Trying to do too much at church? Spend time identifying your gifts and skills and pray about whether you should reduce your serving to just this area.

Serving the Church
Reaching the Nation


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