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Bible meditation is different from meditation as we know it in other areas of society and the world. Some non-Christian philosophies would describe meditation as an emptying of your mind, which is the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches us. Bible meditation means filling your mind with the truth that God has revealed. Imagine the pressures and problems, demands and decisions that David, as a king, faced each day. But he said, ‘Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.’ We spend a lot of time doing mundane things like queueing in a shop, waiting for our computers to finish an update, waiting on hold when we have to call a company or a busy office, or travelling. That’s not to say these tasks aren’t necessary – all of them need to be done. But try this: make an estimate of how much time you spent yesterday on activities like these. Multiply that number by seven for a weekly total. Now multiply that by 52 to get an idea of how much time you spend on them in a whole year. It’s probably a surprising amount! Is there a way we could use that time more efficiently? All of those tasks listed above (and you can probably think of more like them) actually give us a great opportunity to grow spiritually and mentally. All we need to do is to choose a Scripture to think about while we’re waiting! The Bible says, ‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he’ (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV). So let’s seize every opportunity to turn our minds to God’s Word!

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