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The psalmist doesn’t start off with words like ‘maybe’, or ‘perhaps’, or ‘possibly’, or ‘hopefully’. He says, ‘Surely’, which is a term of certainty. ‘Surely’ means absolutely; without a doubt! There are a lot of things in life we can’t be sure of. You’re sure you’ll pass an exam, but then on the day you’re not feeling your best, and things don’t go as well as you expected. The car that you saved up for and are proud of could suddenly be written off when a careless driver crashes into it as it’s parked by the side of the road. You could work for the same company for years believing your job is secure, but then they downsize and you’re unexpectedly made redundant. As redeemed children of God, here are two things we can be sure of: God’s ‘goodness and mercy’. What’s your concept of God? That’s an important question, so think about it before you answer. How you perceive and think of God will determine your confidence in Him. David was far from perfect. If he’d been alive today, some of his actions would have made sensational headlines in the tabloid newspapers. But he never doubted God’s goodness and mercy towards him: ‘This I know, that God is for me’ (Psalm 56:9 NASB). Jesus said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’ (Hebrews 13:5 NKJV). God’s goodness guarantees every need we have can be met, and His mercy guarantees that every sin we commit can be forgiven. Just as sheepdogs drive strays back into the fold, God’s goodness and mercy will drive us back into His loving arms every time.

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