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The Christian life can sound so straightforward sometimes, can’t it? For example, Luke 6:38 assures us, ‘Give, and you will receive. You will be given much. Pressed down, shaken together, and running over, it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you’ (NCV). But what about when we’ve given it our best shot, tried to do the right thing, trusted, been generous, and prayed – but life’s still a struggle? It’s discouraging and sometimes makes us feel like giving up. The disciples went through this feeling. They were experienced fishermen, but they had fished all night and caught nothing, so now they were discouraged. That’s when Jesus turned up! When they thought there was nothing more that could be done, He stepped into their boat. And He still works that way. As long as we think we can handle a situation ourselves, Jesus knows we’ll keep trying to. So, sometimes He waits until we’ve tried everything we can do and acknowledged that we’re out of options, before He gets involved. ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch,’ He instructed (Luke 5:4 NIV). Peter replied, ‘We have already tried that and the fish just aren’t biting.’ Maybe Peter was thinking, ‘Lord, you’re the preacher, but I’m a professional fisherman. If there was anything out there, I would have caught it.’ Jesus was saying, ‘This time, try it my way!’ Peter replied, ‘Master…because you say so, I will.’ And that’s when the miracle happened. Whatever Peter thought or felt, he obeyed Jesus anyway. That’s when a situation begins to change. When we’re clueless and helpless, thinking there’s no way out, just sit quietly and listen, and Jesus will tell us what to do. And when He does, even if we have questions, let’s say like Peter, ‘Master, because you say so, I will obey.’ Then, prepare for results only God can give.

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