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When you’re facing a problem, a ‘word’ from God can bring you the solution you need. God created the world with a word – imagine what a difference just a single word from Him could make in your situation. The Bible says, ‘Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.’ Let’s think about the phrase, ‘Your ears shall hear a word.’ If our spiritual ears aren’t open, trained, and attuned to God, we won’t hear what He’s saying to us. If we’re inclined to filter what He’s saying to us through our human logic and intelligence, and try to harmonise it with our own opinions, we limit the message. We won;t always understand God’s ways, and they may make no sense from a human perspective; but we need to trust God’s wisdom and perspective. He gives a ‘word’ to those who have an open ear – and heart. Try asking yourself these questions: 1) When you pray, what are you looking for? A spiritual high, or a time of intimacy with the Lord, when He speaks and you listen? 2) When you read your Bible, are you looking for confirmation of your own thoughts, or are you looking to learn more about God’s will? The Bible says, ‘The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits’ (Daniel 11:32 NKJV). Imagine what one of God’s ideas could do! Whatever you hope to achieve in your life, the best strategy is to get to know God. He’ll reveal Himself to you through His Word. You’ll hear a lot of different ideas each day; some will benefit you, others won’t. But when you get a ‘word’ from God it’s like a seed; it has the potential to produce a tree; or better yet, a whole orchard of fruit. 

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