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Church leadership. Something you feel God is calling you to right now? Something that seems like a possibility in the future? Something you’ve never even thought about? Whichever category you fall into, it’s important to know what the Bible says about how to be a great church leader. Even if you never end up in a position of leadership at your church, the characteristics of a righteous and godly church leader can be translated into other kinds of leadership too. They’re characteristics that we should all be developing. Have a read of 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Some of the main things that leaders need to be are respectable, committed, accessible, hospitable, gentle, humble, level-headed, focused on God and spiritually mature, That’s quite a list. These are things that we’re growing in ourselves when we’re allowing God to work in us. When we’re focused on becoming like Christ, these qualities will develop. As humans, we’re never going to be able to be all these things all the time. It’s worth remembering that God equips the called, rather than calls the equipped. If you’re not feeling like you meet the standards God requires for the leaders of His church, don’t panic. Let God transform you and use you, He’ll shape you into the leader He wants you to be, in His timing. In John 21, Jesus calls Peter to ‘feed my sheep’ (v.17 ESV). In other words, to teach and support people within the church, to be a shepherd to the people and lead them towards God. Is God calling you to do the same?

What Now?
Write out the list of qualities of a good church leader from 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Pray through the list and ask God to show you any characteristics He wants to grow and develop in you now.

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