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If it’s constructive, criticism can be a good thing. If we point out mistakes from a position of love and of wanting the other person to be the best they can be, it’s a useful tool that we can use to help others improve. Otherwise, it can easily turn into a destructive force that discourages and breaks people apart. We tend to find it easy to point out failings and weaknesses in others, while overlooking or excusing our own faults. That’s what Jesus is bringing to our attention when He says: ‘How can you say to your friend, “Let me take that little piece of dust out of your eye”? Look at yourself! You still have that big piece of wood in your own eye. You hypocrite!’ (Matthew 7:4-5 NCV). They’re strong words from Jesus, so we definitely need to take notice and avoid being unfair and judging others more harshly than we judge ourselves. Sometimes we might be overly critical to try and make ourselves look or feel better. Or we might be trying to hide the wounds of past experiences by using anger and criticism as a form of defence. Whatever the reason, Jesus gives us a clear instruction: ‘Do not judge, or you too will be judged’ (v. 1 NIV). When God looks at us and sees our faults and all the mistakes we make, He treats us with grace and gently corrects us. But what if God criticised us as harshly as we sometimes criticise others? We’d soon feel completely depressed. The truth is, God, who has the highest standards of all, treats us with love and care even when we fail to live up to those standards. So, when we need to correct someone, let’s do the same, and aim to encourage, not discourage.

What now?
Gather a load of coins. Every time you say or think something critical about someone else, put a coin in your right pocket. Every time you’re self-critical, put one in your left pocket. At the end of the day, count how many you’ve collected. Notice any difference between the pockets?

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