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How emotional would you say you are? Emotions are natural and we shouldn’t repress them. In fact, the Bible mentions emotions quite a lot. In Ecclesiastes, we’re told that there’s ‘a time to weep and a time to laugh’ (v.3:4 NIV). While in Romans, it says ‘rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn’ (v.12:15 NIV). Even Jesus expressed His emotions: ‘Jesus wept’ (John 11:35 NIV). But it can become a problem if our emotions are overwhelming. We might not be able to prevent the emotions we’re feeling, but we can try and not let them overtake us. If we solely rely on how we feel about something in order to make a decision, we’re in dangerous territory. The thing about emotions is that they come and go. One minute we’re feeling great, the next minute we can feel like things are falling apart. So, we can’t base decisions entirely on how we’re feeling. Instead, we need to be consulting God, the One who never changes. He is the One who can guide us in our decision-making. The Bible says: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight’ (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV). When we’re trying to figure everything out on our own and relying on how we feel about things to make decisions, we’re leaning on our own understanding. Instead, we need to trust God and let Him guide us through.

What now?
What important decisions are you facing at the moment? Have you taken them to God and asked for His advice? If not, spend some time today doing that.

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