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One of the things that really makes a difference in life is faithfulness in little things; it’s how dependability begins, grows, and matures. Longfellow wrote, ‘Most people would succeed in small things if they weren’t troubled with great ambition.’ Sometimes we think we’re too big for small things; we would rather get on with what we see as bigger, more important matters. But here’s how Jesus sees it: ‘Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters. But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters. If you cannot be trusted with this wicked wealth, who will trust you with true wealth? And if you cannot be trusted with what belongs to someone else, who will give you something that will be your own?’ (v.10-12 CEV). Here are some practical ways that we can demonstrate our faithfulness in the little things: 1) Start a task at the right time, without procrastinating and leaving it to the last minute. 2) Stick with the task until it’s finished. 3) When you see something that needs to be done (and you’re capable and qualified to do it), get it done – even if it’s not your ‘job’ to do it. 4) If you’re being paid to do a task or a job, give an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. 5) Support the people around you, and encourage them to do their best. The Bible says, ‘Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might’ (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV). That’s the kind of faithfulness God loves.

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