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Nehemiah 8:9 tells us that when the Israelites heard the law being read out, they began to cry, because it reminded them of everything they’d done wrong. But Nehemiah tells them ‘this day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength’ (Nehemiah 8:10 NIV). The Israelites had a choice: stay downcast, or draw on the happiness that God brings.
We have a similar choice to make each day. But why should we be joyful? Here are some reasons: 1) A joyful outlook can determine how others respond to you. Rightly or wrongly, first impressions make a huge impact. When you smile, people tend to smile back. But if you come across as unfriendly, they’re likely to respond the same way. 2) A joyful outlook attracts happiness. Think about the people you enjoy spending time with and naturally gravitate towards. Chances are they’re happy people. That doesn’t mean they’re smiling all the time, but you’ll get a sense that they’re filled with an inner joy that can’t be extinguished.
3) A joyful outlook brings the best results. Confidence increases your chance of success every time. So when you approach a task, especially one you don’t enjoy, fix your mind on God’s promises. Psalm 100:2 says ‘worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs’ (NIV).We might not always feel over-the-moon levels of happiness, but having that positive mindset is another way of saying ‘I trust You, God. Your presence makes everything okay.’ It’s just another way of worshipping Him.
What Now?
Smile at everyone you meet today. Smile when you answer the phone. Smile when you’re writing an email or text. It’ll come through in your voice, your writing, your attitude.

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