Can you imagine randomly walking into a takeaway and asking if your order’s ready? ‘We don’t seem to have it…when did you call it in?’ the server asks. ‘Oh, I didn’t,’ you reply. ‘I just thought you might have something with my name on it.’ Okay, that’s not likely to happen. But the point is, when we haven’t asked, we’re not likely to get what we’re looking for. The Bible says, ‘The reason you don’t have what you want is…you don’t ask God’ (James 4:2 TLB). So here we encounter a bit of a tricky area because often we ask God for something, we keep asking, and He doesn’t seem to answer us. And when we’re feeling frustrated and disappointed by the lack of response it’s hard to hear the message that we need to ask in order to get. But God doesn’t promise that we’ll get everything we ask for. He only wants what’s best for us, so if the thing we’re asking for isn’t going to be good for us, God won’t give it. We need to be asking for things that match up with God’s will. ‘If we ask anything…according to His will…He…hears’ (1John 5:14 AMP). There is one thing that when we ask for it, God will never refuse. And that’s more of Him. When we ask God to show us more of who He is and to draw close to us, He will. So, what about when we’re asking and waiting, but God isn’t answering or says no? Instead of worrying, feeling disappointed or deciding to stop asking for things, we can trust in God and His goodness. God knows what’s best for us.
What now?
Randomly walk into a takeaway…just joking. Is there something you’d like that you’ve not asked God for yet? Ask Him today, and then wait and see what He says.