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Have a read of Isaiah 6:1-8. Isaiah’s commenting on what happened when he saw God. You can almost visualise the scene: God’s throne, the worshipping angels, the coal touching Isaiah’s lips. It must have been amazing to meet with God like this, to actually see Him and hear His voice, to be in the presence of someone so holy, the God-of-the-Angel-Armies. When we’re struck by His holiness, our own shortcomings are brought straight into the light. This was definitely the case for Isaiah. ‘“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips…’ (Isaiah 6:5 NIV). Yet while Isaiah was overwhelmed by the realisation of his own sinfulness, we don’t have to be. We should never forget that He’s holy. God’s holiness should make us fear – not in an ‘I’m afraid of Him’ way but in an ‘I’m in awe of Him’ kind of way. We can draw near to this holy God without our failings making us afraid to be in His presence. Throughout the Old Testament, we see that only select people could come before God’s throne. There was also a cleansing ritual to perform before they could approach, in order to be clean to enter God’s holy presence. But now, because of what God did for us in sending Jesus to die for our sins, we can approach His throne with total confidence rather than shame. ‘In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence’ (Ephesians 3:12 NIV).
What Now?
Try and imagine what it would be like to meet God face-to-face. Do you feel scared? Or do you feel confident in His pure love for you? Thank Him that you can approach Him just as you are.

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