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There are many things we can learn from Lazarus’ story: 1) God has a plan in mind that we don’t see. Why did Jesus wait four days after hearing Lazarus had died before going to visit the family? God waits for two reasons: a) So our faith can be strengthened. Jesus said, ‘I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe’ (v.15 NKJV). In life, crises come and go. The next crisis will be different from the last one, but the thing that must remain strong is our faith. b) So God can be glorified. The Pharisees believed your spirit left your body on the fourth day. If Jesus had intervened earlier, they might have said, ‘He wasn’t really dead.’ That’s why Jesus said, ‘This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God.’ When we look back, we see God’s wisdom and will at work in the situation. 2) God will make us deal with issues we’ve tried to bury. ‘Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha…said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days”’ (v.39 NKJV). We might be praying for an answer in one area, while God is saying ‘take away the stone’ and deal with an issue we’ve buried in another area. When our hearts are aligned with God, our prayers will be answered (see 1 John 3:21-22). 3) God will make us examples of His grace. Picture Lazarus after his resurrection. Without even speaking a word, his life declared to everyone that Jesus is Lord. And the same can be true for us. God has redeemed and raised us up to be living testimonies of His grace.

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