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One of the best ways to recover from grief and loss is to take your memories and turn them into motivators, then reach out in love to others who are hurting. Jesus was never too busy to show compassion to hurting people. After Ray and Judy Williamson’s son David was killed in a fall, Ray said: ‘I used to wonder if I should go to the funeral home when somebody had a tragedy, because I always feel so awkward and don’t know what to say. But I’ll never ask again. I’ll always go. It’s not what you say, but your presence that makes the difference.’ When two teenagers died in a car accident, their parents decided to have a joint wake. Over a thousand people attended, some waiting up to three hours to comfort the bereaved families. When one man who’d stood by himself in line finally reached the front, he said, ‘I don’t know your children and I’ve never met you. But I came here tonight because I had a son who died two years ago. I know how it feels. In the days ahead you’ll go through every emotion you can imagine. I just want you to know that I’m here for you if you ever need to talk.’ Then he pressed his card into their hand and walked away. Think about that. A stranger gave three hours of his time to people he didn’t know, because he wanted to help them through the most tragic experience of their lives. It’s in reaching out to others that we become more like Jesus, and we ourselves are made whole.

What now?
If you know someone who’s grieving, ask if you can pray for them. If they want to talk about their feelings, be a compassionate listener. If they just want to be silent, simply be their companion.

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