Time for a check-in. How’s life going? Feeling like you’re surviving rather than thriving? Given up on the dream you once had? Settled for the life you’ve got now? Well, it doesn’t have to be like that. There’s a whole load of reasons why we choose to settle. Maybe we’re afraid to step out of our comfort zones. What we know is safe, while change is risky. Maybe we’ve been hurt, or we’ve failed, in the past and now we want to protect ourselves from that happening again. Maybe we’ve lost our desire to know more of God and to discover, and fulfil, our life purpose. Or maybe we’ve just got ourselves a little too comfortable in the life we have now. But it doesn’t really matter why we’ve settled, what matters is that we make the choice to come out of that comfort zone, to believe there is more and refuse to settle. Abraham’s father, Terah, ‘set out…to go to Canaan,’ the land of abundance where God later called Abraham. But Terah never made it: ‘When they came to Haran, they settled there.’ They decided to not go any further and settled where they were comfortable. Life with God is supposed to be an adventure, not dull or mundane. And there is always more of God to discover. Let’s not settle for a mediocre life. Paul refused to settle; instead, he said ‘I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:14 NIV). Can you say the same?
What now?
What dream or idea have you put to one side? Today, think ‘what could I do in 5 minutes or less that would be a step towards that dream?’ Then go ahead and do that thing.