Adam lived in a perfect place and had a perfect job – the one God gave him. It doesn’t get much better than that. But something was missing from his life, and he felt lonely. God recognised Adam’s need for companionship, and He met that need. God didn’t leave Adam to sort things out for himself and find his own companion. That’s something we can sometimes lose hold of. When we’re feeling lonely, frustrated, or impatient, we might try to rush ahead of God and take matters into our own hands. Probably not the best idea for any relationship, but especially if we’re at that stage where we’re considering someone as a potential husband/wife. When someone comes into your life they don’t just bring their skills, looks and money to the relationship; they also bring their spirit. Ever been around someone with a controlling spirit, a vindictive spirit, a resentful spirit, or a negative spirit? One of the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in the Bible is ‘the ability to distinguish between spirits’ (take a look at 1 Corinthians 12:10), and it’s an important gift to develop. (If you don’t feel it’s one of your gifts, take a few minutes to ask God to help you develop it.) It’s also best to take time to think before deciding to start a serious relationship, rather than rushing into things and ending up with regrets or getting hurt. The first person to ask and the best person to take advice from is God.
What now?
It’s easy to get caught up in the ‘romance’ of a relationship and miss important signs that it’s not the relationship God wants for us. So, if you’re in a relationship, or thinking about entering one, chat about it to someone you trust who has godly wisdom, like your pastor, to make sure you’re not rushing into anything or risking being hurt.