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January 1st. The day the world makes list upon list of things they’re going to change. One resolution leads to another, and you end up with a whole load of things you feel you need to change during this year. Ever feel under pressure from that? Seems like you’re not good enough as you are, that there are too many things you need to stop doing or start doing? Well, your relationship with God, the relationship that influences your entire life, is not built on rules. It’s true that we’re not perfect, in fact we’re far from that, but God is doing the transforming. So, this year, instead of coming up with a mountain of resolutions, why not try just one – relax and be open to God. If we’re open to Him changing us and growing us, then we will be transformed. In 2 Corinthians 3 it says that we ‘are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another’ (v.18). That doesn’t mean we don’t need to try and improve ourselves. But today needn’t be a day where we place unreasonable expectations on ourselves to change everything we consider ‘wrong.’ Let’s just resolve to be open to God’s transforming power and trust His timing which transforms us gradually. He doesn’t expect us to change everything at once. He knows that wouldn’t be possible, or even good, for us. ‘The Lord your God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you’ (Deuteronomy 7:22 NIV).

What now?
Don’t write any lists today. Not even a tiny one. Instead, just take time to sit in God’s presence and let Him know you’re open to His transforming power and His timing.

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